Fall is in the air but I have to admit I am still hanging onto summer. My pool is still open (no – it has not been used in weeks), the AC is still kicking on (but I wanted some heat last night at 40 degrees) and we went to a friends lake house this weekend and played on their boat and got sun burned faces. Take that fall! I really hate to give this all up until next summer!
But back to reality ….it’s getting dark at 7:30pm, the leaves are starting to turn colors, we are running around for after-school activities and games, studying for tests and in the swing of several school fundraisers. Oh …and I am starting to think about Christmas shopping…yes in September!
I never start shopping early, and I never start planning early. Every year I say I am going to –but it never works out. I wait for the big sales in November, wait for the kids to write their “lists” that seem to take forever, and several times have had to wait to do some spy work to intercept a “secret” letter to Santa that was sent in “secret” to solidify if he is real or not. Because …if the letter was secret and the gifts came …well then … they must have really been from Santa! This year I think the secret letters to Santa are gone and several hints have been coming my way already, so maybe, just maybe I will start shopping.
Thankfully, we do plan early at work. Pretty much our whole year is spent planning and preparing for these last 3 months of the calendar year. Why? Because of you – our shoppers. Whether you start early in the fall, shop late in December, shop only the amazing sales that certain special week in November, wait in super long lines at wee in the am or really late at night or love the convenience of online shopping ….we have been preparing for YOU all year! Our job has been to create the best selection and availability of Mele & Co. jewelry and watch boxes, so whether you are starting early (like I hope to) or starting later – we offer you the perfect gifting experience for whoever is on your shopping list. After all…we are Mele & Co. and we create joyful experiences….for you!
Thanks for visiting. I’ll see you at the checkout counter soon!
Margaret Graniero
VP Ecommerce