This is Mike Volza, Vice President of Mele & Co. and this is “My Story." In a recent visit to see my mother in her assisted living facility, I noticed the beautiful Mele porcelain Japanese antimony I bought for her years ago. I actually bought it for her when I first started at Mele, and this was over 20 years ago. It plays "Somewhere My Love," which is the theme from the movie "Doctor Zhivago." She always said that this song is my brother's and sister in-law's favorite song. In reality, it's her favorite song, and my brother and sister in-law only amuse her. I pointed it out on my recent visit and mentioned I purchased it for her 20 years ago. She said that was impossible, because that was a gift from her favorite grandson, John. John gave it to her last year. Everyone knows Italian mothers are always right, and there is no way to win an argument with her. My mom's memory isn't doing well these days. She'll be 89 on her next birthday. Of course, my son only agreed with her, and she gave him a big hug. Next time I see my brother, I'll have to remind him about his favorite song!